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Wuthering Nights Tea by Tarn + Moon

Wuthering Nights Tea by Tarn + Moon


Nurturing, Herbal, Ritual Teas Hand Blended by Tarn + Moon

“I wish I were a girl again, half savage and hardy, and free...Why am I so changed? I'm sure I should be myself were I once among the heather on those hills.” ~ Emily Brontë


Out on the wild, bleak and wuthering Yorkshire moors, ghosts fly in the wind across the bracken and purple rattling heather covered tops.


Nights are long and dark, especially in the deep winter months and every comfort is needed and held close.


Maybe Cathy is scratching at your window, calling to be let in, maybe Heathcliff paces the creaking floorboards keeping you from a peaceful slumber. 


Light your candle, bolt the window and pull your blankets high while you sip on this herbal tea blend that’s been created especially to help you fall into a restful slumber that is filled with gentle dreams of the moor in full bloom and the sweet calls of the summer lapwings.


Carefully blended to taste comforting and aromatic, this herbal infusion leans heavily on the herbs and flowers that are known for their sedative and calming properties, all mixed with beautiful and rare hand foraged Uk wild moorland heather. This blend is amazing at rooting out every frayed nerve within the body, with every sip you take.


Nourishing and soothing for the digestive system also bringing solace and peace to a strung out, haunted, over worked body.


Inspired by the moorland I played and grew up on, only a stones throw away from the famous Brontë Haworth moors, but also based on my favourite book of all time, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.


The song, the story, the moorland, the ghosts and the need for a deep restorative sleep brought this creation into being. A personal offering in honour of some of my happiest memories as a wild feral child, and as an adult, spent on the wild Yorkshire moorland. It’s what I’m made up of, magic, strength, survival, nature and deep unmoving love, it’s where I go to in times of need to restore my soul.


I hope you feel the moorlands strong energy with every cup you make and every teapot you fill.


Try your hardest to not sing “Out on the wiley windy moors, we’d roll and fall in green…” every time you lift this tea pouch out, the struggle is real.


Brew Time : 5-8 mins  


Brew Temp : 70°


Organic and Wild ingredients:
~ UK Hand Foraged Moorland Heather Flowers
~ Catmint
~ Passion Flowers
~ Linden Flowers and Leaves
~ Hops
~ Marshmallow Leaves and Flowers. 


*** Please use caution when using herbal tea infusions, these are whole plant blends. Please check with your health practitioner if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, ill of health, or on medication before drinking this and other herbal teas. ***



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