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The Changeling Tea by Tarn + Moon

The Changeling Tea by Tarn + Moon


Nurturing, Herbal, Ritual Teas Hand Blended by Tarn + Moon


Plants have been worked with for healing, seasonal nourishment and in nature loving rituals for over 60,000 years. They help ground us, feed our cycles and connect us to natures sweet rhythms.


I’ve created this herbal blend using careful plant research and allowed this tea to be deeply influenced by all the amazing womb health herbs of my own garden that I like to use for myself and my family. I’ve especially focused on herbs that soothe, support, cool and comfort.


It’s been developed for those with wombs in mind who want to gently support their bodies as they go through changes such as moon-times, peri-menopause menopause and post-menopause.


Our incredible bods go through so many seasons and changes, all should be celebrated if possible with acceptance and deep gratitude. This tea is a way to honour ourselves daily.


My hope is that the changes we go through start not to be seen as a time that’s surrounded by fear, but seen as a time and opportunity to tap into ourselves and hold our vessels with love, a moment to look inside and see how far we’ve really come.


The herbs and flowers I’ve worked with for this blend are either believed to be a womb tonic, be hormonally supportive, a nervine, help with night sweats, hot flashes and with sleep.


The taste of this blend is like a wildflower and hay meadow, light and softly floral, like a kiss from late summers golden sun as it sets.


This tea infusion can be brewed hot with a stir of sacred honey or made cold overnight in the fridge with added ice.


Brewing time 5-8 mins or overnight


Recommendation is 2-3 cups a day if needed


Organic and Homegrown Ingredients:

~ Ladies Mantle

~ Calendula

~ Raspberry Leaf

~ Lemon Verbena

~ Hyssop

~ Elderflower

~ Purple Sage

~ Passion Vine

~ Holy Basil

~ Nettle 

~ Rose


*** Please use caution when using herbal tea infusions, these are whole plant blends. Please check with your health practitioner if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, ill of health, or on medication before drinking this and other herbal teas. ***


*** Please note that this tea is NOT suitable if you're pregnant. ***



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