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Cerridwen Incense

Cerridwen Incense


Ceridwen is the Celtic Hag Goddess, who reigns over the mysteries of life, death and transformation. In her cauldron of changes she concocts the famous brew of inspiration. Those who taste of it will at once understand the secrets of creation - past, present and future. They will be transformed and reborn as eternally wise beings. Ceridwen might be a hag, but she guards the most precious secrets. Recognition of the hag as the inner shadow is the path to Ceridwen's Cauldron of Inspiration.


Burn this incense to help you confront the hag in your meditations so you might tap into Ceridwen's power of transformation and source of wisdom.


Magical Raw Incense Blends by StarChild, Glastonbury, UK

To release the beautiful oils in this precious raw incense you will need a heat source to and a dish to burn it in. You can find Charcoal Incense blocks in this section as well as hand made Incense Censer dishes for burning your incense in. Please contact us if you have any queries...


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